This is Why This Year You Need To Start A Blog

This is Why This Year You Need To Start A Blog

Hey, lovelies! In this post, I am going to share what has been beneficial for my motivation in technical writing and having a blog.

Writing is a way to sit down and re-evaluate my thoughts during the day. - Bill Gates

I can relate to Bill Gates's definition of writing, It is a tool that helps me think and express my thoughts. I never use to consider myself a writer but I kept on striving to make writing a habit.

If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.

Writing helps free the headspace

I sometimes feel my brain is about to explode with many thoughts in my head. Mentally juggling a lot of things at the same time, like developers having 20 tabs open at once, expressing myself through writing allows me to free my headspace, improve my mood, and avoid mental stress.

A way of mastering my skills

One of the best ways I learn is by doing, I have to boost some skills I did not know I had or would even think about. Information often better stays with us when we learn as though we need to teach. In this way, writing encourages a specific style of personal development, wanting to build on ideas, further exploration of interests, and a better understanding of subject matters.

Unexpected ways I can make lives better

Starting a blog can certainly make a difference in other people's lives. When I want to write and the lazy or procrastinating feeling sets in, I tell it to "get behind me" putting it in mind that I am contributing to humanity. No matter what you discuss, there is always someone out there experiencing a similar challenge. Blog posts may connect with readers and inspire them to try something new to improve their life.

In the process of researching new blog post ideas, I have been exposed to different perspectives, new learnings, also expanding my horizons. Searching nooks and crannies of the internet to find unique takes on topics has resulted in helping me become a more open-minded, well-rounded individual and encourage deeper thinking.

Writing helps measure success

Reflecting on wins and fails has a great impact on your life, writing them down will boost your positivity and get you motivated about the present going on and the future. If you are on Twitter you will notice its similarity with the #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode hashtag.

Writing has made me more organized in my thoughts, unlearning, relearning, consistently paying more attention to word choice, sentence structure, and tone while building my confidence.

I hope you are motivated by my motivation, click on the like, and I would also love to read your thoughts in the comment.

Here is my previous post 8 honest facts you need to know about successful blogging that would interest you.

Love, and Laugher,
